Vegetarian Beers

The following beers have been notified by brewers as free from isinglass finings and therefore suitable for vegetarians. The majority are also suitable for vegans. This list will be updated if further brewers advise us.

Bar name
BlackjackFruitionHazy pale ale4.2Youth CentreY
BlackjackJeune - Sour CherryCherry saison4.0KegY
BlackjackPeelers PilsPilsner4.4KegY
BlackjackPub Ale Best BitterBest bitter4.2Youth CentreY
BlackjackSalvation! Session IPAGolden ale4.5Youth CentreY
BlackjackSummers' PorterHoppy porter5.0Youth CentreY
BrewsmithBrewsmith BitterPale session bitter3.9Youth CentreY
BrewsmithOatmeal StoutOatmeal stout5.2Youth CentreY
Brid's CrossBolster's BloodRed IPA5.5Youth CentreY
Brid's CrossUnder the Eildon TreeWest Coast IPA5.7Youth CentreY
BrightsideJoule's GoldPale blonde ale4.2Youth CentreY
BrightsideKeller LagerHelles lager4.0KegY
BrightsideMaverick IPAIPA4.8KegY
BrightsideNanoBlonde ale3.4Youth CentreY
BrightsideThe MancunianBlonde ale4.5Youth CentreY
BrightsideTime BanditHoppy gold4.2Youth CentreY
BuxtonAxe EdgeIPA6.8KegY
BuxtonDeepdalePale ale4.0Beer HouseY
CloudwaterCentennial In Your HeartHoppy pale4.4Youth CentreY
CloudwaterFreshAF IPA0.5KegY
CloudwaterFuzzyPale ale4.2KegY
CloudwaterHappyEasy pale3.5Youth CentreY
CloudwaterPiccadilly PorterPorter4.5Youth CentreY
CloudwaterSangria BreezeFruited sour4.5KegY
CloudwaterSplashPale ale5.0KegY
CloudwaterVerses of SolitudeMild3.4Youth CentreY
Cloudwater x Elusive x PellicleTogether We Will Devour The Very GodsImperial red IPA8.0KegY
CravenRomillePale ale4.1KegY
ElusiveOregon TrailWest Coast IPA5.8Youth CentreY
ElusiveRootsCitra pale3.8Youth CentreY
Elusive x AmityCosmic VoidNitro stout4.2KegY
Elusive x Mysterious BrewingTogether In The LightWhite IPA4.8KegY
Elusive x Totally Natural SolutionsAlone In The DarkBlack IPA5.8Youth CentreY
FellCragBitter3.8Youth CentreY
FellTopaz & EclipseHoppy pale5.0Youth CentreY
Fell x HardknottAzimuthFruity IPA5.8KegY
Fell x HardknottAzimuthFruity IPA5.8Youth CentreY
Fell x Zingi BearSwitchel RadlerLemon & ginger radler2.8KegY
Five TownsPsychomodoPeach and hibiscus IPA7.8Youth CentreY
Green ArchesAfter DarkIrish dry stout4.1Youth CentreY
Green ArchesHarvestAmerican IPA5.5Youth CentreY
Green ArchesSunlightSession pale3.8KegY
HideawayMelita Pineapple WeisseAmerical wheat4.0KegY
HideawayTailgateWest Coast IPA5.6KegY
LervigHouse PartySession IPA4.0Beer HouseY
Lost CauseIn The Club StyleRobust stout6.0KegY
Lost Cause x MoorSince When Are You An EagleHazy IPA6.5KegY
LuneLune Valley GoldGolden ale4.2Church HallY
LuneStout 8 MaltStout4.8Church HallY
Manchester UnionBlackBlack lager4.5KegY
Manchester UnionPalePale ale4.2KegY
MarbleEarl Grey IPAIPA with tea6.8Beer HouseY
MarbleLiberation FrequencyGF Pale4.0Beer HouseY
NeptuneCoffee IPACoffee IPA5.5KegY
NeptuneFontanaAmerican strong7.7Church HallY
Offbeat x RedWillowWay Out Wheat, More Or LessAward winning wheat beer4.5Church HallY
Offbeat x RedWillowWay Out Wheat, More Or LessAward winning wheat beer4.5KegY
Pomona IslandRockin' Very Loose PantsHazy pale ale4.8Beer HouseY
RedWillowFaithless 198 - Ten NineteenSession IPA4.2KegY
RedWillowKellerbierLager Bier4.3Church HallY
RedWillowTayberry Berliner WeisseFruited sour3.8KegY
RunawayKellerbierLager5.0Church HallY
RunawayPunnetStrawberry & Pomegranate Sour5.0KegY
Runaway x BeermothDrinking Beer #8: Biere BlondeBelgian pale4.3Church HallY
Runaway x Honest CrustPomodoro GoseTomato infused sour4.4KegY
Steelfish x Chorlton HomebrewersEl VeranoRye IPA6.5Church HallY
Steelfish x Doomed Brewing ProjectDoomfishWest Coast IPA5.5KegY
Steelfish x Levenshulme Home Brew ClubKings of the Mild FrontierDouble dark mild6.5Church HallY
Stubborn MuleBlackberry Wheat BeerFruited German Wheat3.5KegY
Stubborn MuleDonkey PunchNew England IPA5.5Church HallN
Stubborn MuleWho Gose ThereRhubarb, raspberry & ginger gose4.5Church HallY
SureshotMilsonNew England pale5.2KegY
SureshotSmall Man's WetsuitPale ale3.9Beer HouseY
Sureshot x Bundobust x PolyesterHis Girl FridaySour4.5KegY
Tom's Tap and BrewhouseDouble Mighty StoutImperial oatmeal stout7.2Church HallY
Tom's Tap and BrewhouseESBExtra Special Bitter5.3Church HallY
Tom's Tap and BrewhouseNearest Flat SurfaceDouble IPA8.2KegY
TorrsideBring Me A ShrubberyOrange & szechuan pepper pale4.4KegY
TorrsideSto LatGrodziskie2.8Church HallY
Torrside x Docks BeersContinental DriftEuro WC IPA6.8Church HallY
TrackHolding PatternsIPA6.0Beer HouseY
Wakey WakeyBunkSession bitter3.8Church HallY
Wakey WakeyFever DreamBritish dry hopped IPA5.0Church HallY

Gluten Free Beers

At Chorlton Beer & Cider Festival, we recognise that unfortunately some people are unable to enjoy our great range of beers due to suffering from gluten intolerance.

Thankfully, an increasing number of brewers are now processing beers to remove gluten so we are pleased to be able to offer a small range of Gluten Free beers. All our range of Ciders & Perries are also Gluten Free

For more information on Coeliac’s disease and living with gluten intolerance, visit

Bar name
BrightsideJoule's GoldPale blonde ale4.2Youth Centre
BrightsideKeller LagerHelles lager4.0Keg
BrightsideMaverick IPAIPA4.8Keg
BrightsideNanoBlonde ale3.4Youth Centre
BrightsideThe MancunianBlonde ale4.5Youth Centre
BrightsideTime BanditHoppy gold4.2Youth Centre
BuxtonDeepdalePale ale4.0Beer House
CravenRomillePale ale4.1Keg
RedWillowDoubtlessGF Pale4.0Church Hall

Wheat Free Beers

The beers shown below contain gluten from barley, rye and/or oats but have not been intentionally brewed with wheat (although we cannot guarantee that they are completely free of wheat as they will have been brewed in breweries where wheat is present). This list will be added to when more breweries have confirmed allergen information.

Bar name
AshoverTurning StoneDark brown ale4.4Youth Centre
BlackjackJeune - Sour CherryCherry saison4.0Keg
Dunham MasseySummer MeadowGolden ale4.3Youth Centre
Manchester UnionBlackBlack lager4.5Keg
MarbleLiberation FrequencyGF Pale4.0Beer House
MerlinExcaliburHoppy blonde3.9Church Hall
MerlinSpellboundPremium English ale4.0Church Hall
NeptuneCoffee IPACoffee IPA5.5Keg
Problem ChildBig Girls BlousePale blonde ale3.8Church Hall
Problem ChildIsolationGolden ale4.5Church Hall
RedWillowKellerbierLager Bier4.3Church Hall
SeriousWhitewellPale ale4.0Church Hall
Steelfish x Chorlton HomebrewersEl VeranoRye IPA6.5Church Hall
Tom's Tap and BrewhouseDouble Mighty StoutImperial oatmeal stout7.2Church Hall
Welbeck AbbeyRed FeatherRobust auburn ale3.9Church Hall